First I want to break my own rules and blog about something totally different :) I have bought my previous Rolling sunglasses back in 1998. Those are too loose and beyond repair. I have occasionally tried to find new sunglasses but it's difficult to try to find something decent amongst the modern big lenses and bling fashion. Today I passed one opthometrist shop and walked in.
Lasit on Celine Dion mallistoa ja linseissä liukuva tummennus. Joku voisi sanoa että ei ihan mun tyyliä, mutta alla vielä kuva todistamaan, että kyllä ne mulle sopii. En kuuntele Celine Dionia.
These are Celine Dion eye wear with gradient lenses. Some one might say that not quite my style, but I have the picture to prove that they do fit me. I don't listen to Celine Dion.
Nyt katselen maailmaan ruusunpunaisten lasien läpi.
Now I watch the world through pink glasses
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